Optimist Clubs of Regina in partnership with other community organizations

Build an Accessible Play Structure in Gocki Park - Community at PlayOptimist Clubs of Regina in partnership with other community organizations


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  • Provide an opportunity for everyone to play together
  • Allow all children to be “The King/Queen of the Castle”
  • Foster a sense of community
  • Help every child experience the benefits of play

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We are working together to raise funds for the construction of a wheelchair accessible playground for our community. The playground will be in Gocki Park. Accessible playgrounds are expensive and we're hoping to raise $250,000.

Jean Vanier School and Hope’s Home are located next to Gocki Park. Without an accessible playground nearby, these children must travel to other locations which is costly and requires many support workers. This playground will have equipment that meets the sensory and developmental needs of all children.

Accessible structures aren’t just for children. Many parents, grandparents or caregivers face mobility barriers that prevent them from participating with children at a typical play structure. This structure will be designed to provide a challenging, fun, play environment for ALL.

This playground will help make Gocki Park a place where all in the community will gather, play and grow together – making it a true community at play.

How will the $100K be used?

Budget Notes: Additional costs for equipment and safety surface including sweat equity for the installation will be raised through the partners.
$ 100,000 To purchase playground equipment and safety surfacing

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