Promote acceptance and self love with our small town performance tour!The Glamily


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  • To perform in small towns across Canada
  • To hold self esteem and body image workshops before or after our shows

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The Glamily small town tour plans to combine music, dance, comedy and performance art all with the main goal of encouraging self love, healthy body image and acceptance. Our troupe is made up of talented people of all different shapes, sizes, backgrounds, genders and sexualities and together we want to bring our positive message across Canada. We want to breakdown barriers of what is considered beautiful and conquer hate!

We plan to bring our colourful shows specifically to small towns because many of us who grew up in small towns know what it's like to be different and struggle with self esteem issues.

We will also hold workshops, which will allow people to engage in conversation about self esteem issues and also make some props and costumes and learn performance techniques to take home!

We will also participate in LGBTQ events and pride festivals that may be occuring in each town.

We will donate funds raised from the shows to local charities that share our values.

Community Benefit

We will entertain people and promote acceptance of all shapes, sizes, backgrounds, genders and sexualities. We want to make people feel good! We will hold meet & greet sessions and workshops in each town to talk about issues of body image and self esteem in general. We also plan to hold hands on self-esteem building workshops where attendees can learn to make their own costumes and props and learn some performance techniques (dance, hula hooping, etc.) We will donate funds raised at our shows to charities in each community that reflect our same values.

How will the $100K be used?

$ 50,000 Van to take our troupe across Canada plus insurance
$ 10,000 Gas and maintenance
$ 10,000 Venue booking fees for workshops and materials for workshops
$ 30,000 Accomodation and food for travelling troupe

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