Host an Appreciation Event for RCMP of BCBarbara Derksen


Competed in
Cycle 2


  • Show Appreciation for our RCMP - boost morale


Our RCMP have a tremendous responsiblity.  Lately it seems all their (very human) flaws and failings is what we see on the media.  We seem to forget the daily sacrifice and take for granted the safety they provide for us each and every day.  They put their lives on the line for us. 

I would like to contract an events team to host a fun appreciation event for the RCMP and their families so we can boost their morale.  We all like a pat on the back for the good things we do.  This would be a wonderful way to say "GOOD JOB!" to them. 

How will the $25K be used?

$ 25,000 To hire an events planner to put on a event to honour RCMP

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