Host an "inner beauty pageant" in Ottawa to help improve self-esteem.Women's Independence Network (WIN)


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  • To encourage healthy attitudes about beauty and diversity
  • To challenge standards of beauty that are frequently unattainable
  • To improve self-esteem and combat eating disorders
  • To help women express themselves


The "Inner Beauty Pageant" is an initiative focussed on encouraging a more diverse definition of beauty. Parodying a traditional beauty pageant format, participants are invited to wear whatever they want and discuss what beauty means to them. There will be no weight or height requirements; women of all sizes are invited to participate. Similarly, the event organizers will encourage diversity in race, physical ability, etc. The competitive element of a traditional beauty pageant competition will be replaced by a cooperative, "we are all winners" theme, and the event will use humour and factual information to deliver a message about media and the beauty industry. The event will hopefully inspire both participants and audience members to rethink their own relationships with their bodies and the ways that they define beauty.


-One pageant, 5-15 pageant participants, minimum 200 attendees
-$1,000 raised for WIN
-Media coverage by local outlets

How will the $5K be used?

Budget Notes: This event will partly serve as a fundraiser for WIN, but the fundraising will be purely through ticket sales, donations, and raffle giveaways. No money from the Pepsi Refresh Grant will come back to WIN directly.
$ 2,000 Venue rental, including technicians
$ 2,000 Promotion
$ 500 Materials (partcipant gifts, raffle giveaways)
$ 500 Operational costs (transportation, etc.)

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