Cat & Jack Promote Kid & Dog SafetyCatherine Cino


Competed in
Cycle 1


  • to motivate the next generation of pet owners to be more compassionate

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The Cat & Jack safety program has educated Canadian children through print, media and live venues since 1995. It is after these years of experience and building our reputation that we would like to take this program on a national tour. Our goal is to cross Canada from coast to coast during the month of May 2011 as this is recognized as National Dog Bite Awareness month. We will focus on elementary school aged children in each of our Provinces Capitals. This campaign will provide live safety demonstrations to inner city schools of both the Public and Separate School Boards.

Each school chosen by their Board of Education will receive a live presentation and a twelve minute safety video for future follow up care. Each child will receive a safety packet including printed material, certificate of achievement and a lapel medallion.

This is a life skill for all children, the knowledge to recognize and respond safely to any and all at risk encounters with dogs is priceless!



How will the $25K be used?

Budget Notes: The expense of the carrying bag for the mascot costume approximate value $550., unexpected travel delays no estimate.
$ 7,000 • Travel – Each of the 10 flights averaging $350 person x 2 people =
$ 2,000 • Accommodations for 20 nights averaging $100. Night =
$ 1,500 • Per diem for 20 nights averaging for 2 people $75 =
$ 5,500 • Expense for 20 safety seminars for all talent =
$ 9,000 • Safety packets for 6,000 kids averaging =

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