J. L. Forster Secondary School Student Parliament

Host a Video Dance in Windsor, ON for teens with Special Needs J. L. Forster Secondary School Student Parliament


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Award granted
Cycle 3


  • -Provide a fun activity for students with special needs in our board.
  • -Pay it forward!


The "Step It Up" project is about providing a video dance for students with special needs (STEPS) from 10 different high schools in the Greater Essex County District School Board. At the end of the school day, many high school students participate in after school activities, however, the students with special needs miss out because they are bussed home. Very rarely do they get a chance to get together as a huge group, to just have fun, and socialize for an afternoon. By voting for our project, you will be helping us get one step closer to organizing a dance of a lifetime for a very deserving group of students.

How will the $5K be used?

$ 2,000 Transportation
$ 1,130 Video dance set-up
$ 1,600 pizza, pop, chips, cookies for approx 250 attendees
$ 270 glo necklaces and decorations

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