make subsidized lunch for families and working poor in our community.Agape Table Inc


Competed in
Cycle 5


  • Create a subsidized bag lunch program for our community.

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Taking lessons learned from our very successful subsidized egg breakfast (a low-cost complete meal prepared from fresh, purchased ingredients and prepared restaurant style), we plan to create a subsidized lunch program for working poor and families with school children.  Our goal is to provide a nutritionally complete, fresh, low-fat and low-sodium, locally sourced (except when unavailable) bag lunch for our community members who work or go to school at a subsidized price.  We will also offer several budgeting tools including a prepaid card to help enable access to this program.
Deliverables: bag lunches to meet community member demand, local media coverage, longer term, donations to provide continued funding for the program.

Community Benefit

The community will benefit not only from recieving better nutrition, but also from interacting with each other, which creates a sense of community cohesiveness.

How will the $25K be used?

Budget Notes: This budget does NOT cover administration, labour, or marketing.
$ 25,000 to cover food costs to begin the bag lunch program

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