Yannick Lalonde

Innovative project to create Web-based tools for artists.Yannick Lalonde


Competed in
Cycle 5


  • Allow artists to access a real Itern broadcast

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The project, called "Allalea" includes the creation of a virtual and innovative platform and enabling the "Artistic Environment" access to virtual structures promoting its development.

Tailored to individual needs, the purpose of this virtual platform is to simplify the artistic growth process , whether you are an amateur or professional artist.

This project brings people together. Based on the principle of "giving/winning", it will create a ripple effect beneficial to the environment.

After 10 years of research and development in my spare time, I can now provide an invaluable tool that will allow artists, art lovers and artistic community attendants to interact professionally with the right tools.

Free tools is always appreciated.

Community Benefit

Allalea is a unifying project. It straddles the various spheres of the art world to benefit from popular leverage and develop a ripple effect. Its first mission is to provide artists with tools and services so they could develop their careers and achieve a level of autonomy by using this important development and promotion platform. It is a social media era. Allalea will be innovator in multimedia by integrating with existing tools. From a personal profile, the artist listed will be able to spread and obtain both artistic and promotionalinformation, develop an exhibition or a virtual gallery, keep a diary, sell his work and services, interact with his fans, interact with peers... * "Artistic Environment": All that relates to the arts and revolves around this complex environment.

How will the $100K be used?

Budget Notes: Restriction to the development of a pilot project. Developing this project fully requires nearly one million dollars ($ 1,000,000) funding. Following the launch of the pilot, phases of development will be added gradually perfecting the users' tool box .
$ 32,000 Production of the pilot project
$ 20,000 Production of the database.
$ 12,500 Setting up premises.
$ 11,500 Computer hardware (server).
$ 9,000 Computer information security
$ 6,000 Software.
$ 5,500 Promotion
$ 2,000 Launch of pilot
$ 1,500 Office furniture

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