Increase employment opportunities for persons with disabilities.Alternatives Community Program Services-Employment Supports


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  • Increase emotional intellegence by 1% or higher



This project will provide clients with Emotional Intelligence (EQ) training to assist in the development of soft skills essential for success in the work force. EQ training provides clients with the confidence and ability to problem solve on the job; to interact with co-workers and supervisors appropriately; to respond to instructions and changes on the job; to identify their own contributions to problems; and to identify issues that could lead to problems and be better able to communicate these issues appropriately.

Our project will focus on ‘Emotional Awareness in the Workplace’ through the following steps:

Step 1. Complete a Pre-test to provide a baseline EQ assessment

Step 2. Classroom instruction for 3 hours each day for one week;

Step 3. Homework to be completed…Track real-life experiences between classes for discussion.

Step 4. Complete a Post–test one month after the course to provide an evaluation of the learning that was achieved.

Community Benefit

If funding is granted it will provide the necessary monies to start the EQ training component for our Employment Supports clients. We anticipate an increase in client's self awareness, self-esteem, and job retention. The remaining funding will maintain the project as an on-going service offered through Alternatives-Employment Supports. In addition, it is anticipated that this EQ training program will be added to the overall services of Alternatives Community Program Services, making it available to all people with disabilities within our various programs and among other service providers within our community. The anticipated positive outcomes, quantified by the pre and post-test results and the increase in job retention, will demonstrate the need to sustain EQ training as an Employment Supports service option.

How will the $5K be used?

Budget Notes: -Training development -Training materials
$ 1,500 Facility Rental
$ 3,060 Facilitator Expense
$ 400 Refreshments, Incidentals

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