update the interior of the Centre, continue providing quality programsBlenheim Youth Centre


Competed in
Cycle 5


  • To provide quality programming to our more than 300 members
  • To update the interior of the youth centre
  • To attract more youth to the centre

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This project provides a way to update the interior of the Blenheim Youth Centre.  With a rejuvination to the Centre and by creating a more enviting and enriching environment hopefully more youth will begin to use the centre on a more regular basis.  Currently we have over 300 members and of those members we have approximately 30 youth visit each day, with a more updated Centre the youth will be able to spread the word and hopefully get our membership to over 500 youth and have more than 50 youth using the centre per day. At the Centre youth can participate in a variety of activities which help teach social skills, co-operation, cooking skills, respect for others, and respect for self. 

Community Benefit

We provide a safe place, where every child is listened to, respected and valued in a safe environment of inclusion and acceptance. Our staff and volunteers model honesty, fair play, positive attitude, co-operation and respect for self and others. Through adventure, play and discovery, we encourage and empower the youth at the centre to develop healthy lifestyles, to learn strong life skills and a sense of social responsibility We work together with families and volunteers in partnership with the public and private sector, to create healthy community solutions to providing children and youth with what they need for optimal development.

How will the $25K be used?

$ 15,000 Staffing
$ 10,000 new furniture, paint, repairs

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