Launch Dighu social site renewing communities thru 000's of small actsBob Christianson/Dighu Media Inc.


Competed in
Cycle 1


  • Market social media site
  • Roll out killer mobile application that promotes site by Dec. 2010
  • Record 100,000 acts of humanity per day w/in 12 months
  • Receive 10,000 micro donations for distribution to people in need
  • Integrate with Twitter and Facebook

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I have built the social media site It is based on the premise of digital humanity and it promotes, encourages, celebrates and rewards acts of goodwill and common humanity. Users record acts of goodwill daily.  My project plan and use of proceeds are as follow:

  1. Launch Dighu and create viral marketing campaign through Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin and My Space. It will target Canadians including universities, businesses and individuals;
  2. Create a killer smart phone application that reminds users to do their daily Dighu and submit it on their smartphone;
  3. Get 100,000 Canadians to commit an act of goodwill or generosity every day within 12 months;
  4. Have 1000 users per month submit a micro donation of $0.01 day ($3.65 per year);
  5. Help numerous Canadians that need financial aid. Recipients will be selected by Dighu users. 

Dighu will aggregate and amplify 000's of small actions thereby becoming a gatekeeper of social impact by turning it into a never ending story!


How will the $100K be used?

Budget Notes: No salaries will be paid on this project with funds from All funds will be used to ensure the project is a success!
$ 50,000 To build, test and roll out mobile application
$ 30,000 Marketing Campaign for
$ 10,000 Travel to various Canadian Cities for promotion
$ 10,000 projected IP infrastructure costs

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