start vermicomposting at Fort Frances High SchoolFort Frances High School


Competed in
Cycle 5


  • Purchase vermicomposters for different areas of the school.
  • Create an outdoor space to house a composter for cafeteria foodscraps
  • Provide education and learning materials to students to use composters
  • Effectively educateteachers to use vermicomposters in their classrooms


Fort Frances High School has been actively moving towards environmentally conscious actions & ideas and the use of vermicomposters on site would help in this initiative. Students would be taught the proper use of composters and how they can accomplish using the composters in the school. The vermicomposters would be located in a variety of classrooms in the school. An outdoor composter would be built to house food scraps from the cafeteria. The organic material produced from the composters would be re-used on school grounds for the planting beds. The implementation of composting at the school would serve as an educational purpose for students to understand the means by which food is biodegradable.

Community Benefit

As Fort Frances High School is the only high school in the town of Fort Frances, it would serve as an exemplar for the use of composters in a large institutional setting. As students gain the knowledge and the means of composting, they can bring this information back out to the community. The garbage diverted from the landfills will also help to environmentally impact, for the positive, the local community.

How will the $5K be used?

$ 2,500 purchase of vermicomposters for classrooms
$ 1,500 building supplies for outdoor composter
$ 1,000 educational materials for teaching about composting

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