aid Young YUKON musicians in exploring MUSIC Outside Canada's NORTH!All-City Band Society


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  • To increase musician's ability and confidence in playing
  • To provide interaction and learning with other musicians
  • For musicians to learn new musical pieces with different directors
  • To enrich the musician's cultural experience outside of the Yukon
  • To broaden the horizons of musicians from our small community

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Our MUSIC Exploration PROGRAM aims to help young musicians from Whitehorse  attend music and band programs not offered here in the the Yukon. Musicians in grades 8 through 12 will be seeking financial aid to allow them to travel "Outside" of the Yukon to attend different music programs.

The programs they attend will help develop their musicality through exposure to other musicians, learning new techniques, opportunities to play in different bands with other experienced directors and ultimately, increased confidence and ability to play.

Many young musicians have never left our isolated northern community; travelling to and attending music/band programs exposes them to musical and cultural opportunities not available in the Yukon.

Upon return from these programs, musicians demonstrate increased skill, confidence and enthusiasm which enables them to mentor and tutor younger musicians in our community. Their contributions to concerts and performances is measurably greater as a result.

Community Benefit

Whitehorse, as the capital city of the Yukon is a small community of 25,000 with the rest of the Yukon population only adding another 5,000. Opportunities for growth within this isolated community can be limited. Leaving the Yukon to attend a music/band camp provides enrichment for the musician; he/she returns with increased skill and confidence. The benefits to the community include improved public performances and concerts, and musicians with excellent teaching ability, peer support and tutoring to other musicians. These musicians also serve as distinct examples of striving for excellence and make great role models in the community!

How will the $10K be used?

Budget Notes: The travel costs range from $850 to $1250 for musicians to attend music/band programs and our refresh application only asks for $800/student The tuition costs range from $450 to $850 for musicians to attend music/band programs and our refresh application only asks for $400/student
$ 6,800 Travel for 8 musicians to attend music/band programs
$ 3,200 Tuition for 8 musician to attend music/band programs

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