facilitate a national discussion about eliminating bullying behaviors!Kelly Karius


Competed in
Cycle 1


  • To facilitate a national discussion about bullying
  • To provide bullying prevention resources to a minimum of 400 schools.
  • To blog profile bullying prevention systems that are working
  • To create a video & book, containing workable ideas, at no cost
  • To obtain sponsorships for the full program

Gallery See all videos & photos


Project Summary

The Bully Outreach Project project will pack a lot of long term punch. The Motorhome will travel across the country and provide no cost presentations about bullying to schools. The Project will work directly with media to publicize issues relating to bullying and to profile systems that are working well within schools. The project will gather stories and ideas, and publish them in an ongoing blog and Vlog during the trip.Donations will be gathered for Kids Help Phone


Summer and early fall will be focused on preparation. All monies collected will be held in trust and distributed by an accounting firm as needed in relation to the budget. The motorhome tour will begin in October of 2010 and will continue until June of 2011. The starting point will be Saskatchewan, or wherever best agreed upon by the sponsors. Until the website for this program is running, more information can always be found at http://kariusandassociates.com


How will the $100K be used?

Budget Notes: This request would be considered seed money, to begin moving around Saskatchewan. The program continues to work towards sponsorship of a full program.
$ 4,000 Website creation and maintenance
$ 20,000 Public relations/media relations/tour arrangement
$ 4,000 Legal costs (releases of information)
$ 4,000 Accounting costs
$ 25,000 travel costs (gas/driver)
$ 25,000 presenter fees
$ 13,000 editing of video/book
$ 5,000 Camera Equipment

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