Use the 2010 Basset Olympics to bring Calgarians togetherJanet Naclia - Calgary Basset Hound Rescue


Competed in
Cycle 1


  • Raise awareness of animal rescue thru our annual event
  • Organize the 2010 Basset Hound Olympics
  • Form new partners within Calgary and Canada
  • Provide animal lovers in Calgary a chance to socialize
  • Raise future funds for the rescue

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Project Summary

The Basset Hound Olympics will be a one day event at the end of September.  It will be an opportunities for animal lovers through-out Calgary to celebrate their pets, animal rescue, and meet other animal owners.  It is a fun, family event meant to raise awareness of dog rescue.


  • 4 hr volunteer-run event including a bbq, prizes, socializing opportunities for families, and the brand new Basset Olympics!



  • A fundraising opportunity for the Calgary Basset Hound Rescue and our partners like the Iowa and Montana Rescues



  • Opportunities like 'Meet the Vet', celebration of basset foster families, and other volunteer appreciation activities 



  • Breakfast TV has expressed interest in featuring us on their show



  • $1000 in donations from businesses and individuals



How will the $5K be used?

Budget Notes: Manpower will be all volunteer
$ 2,000 Promotion + signs
$ 2,000 Rental of BBQ + food/water
$ 500 Public permit
$ 500 Volunteer appreciation + sponsor gifts

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