Put together a benefit concert at the Air Canada Centre for charity. Zain Haq on behalf of Canadian Cancer Society


Competed in
Cycle 1


  • To raise 300,000 for the Canadian Cancer Society

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Our benefit concert hosted at the Air Canada Centre intertwines societies passion for music (mainly hiphop and R&B), with our passion in helping people in need. Our concert will be more than just a fun friday night out, it will make a difference in the community and raise awareness, and money, for an organization that needs it most, the Canadian Cancer Society.
We are hoping our concert will include famous singers such as Danny Fernandes, Drake, Belly, Akon, Kardinal Official, and many others. All proceeds from this event will go straight to the Canadian Cancer Society.
We are hoping that this concert will also inspire other people to get involved in their community. It will send a message saying that no matter who you are, you CAN make a difference. We want this concert to spark passion amongst teenagers, a passion so strong that our generation will be one to create a change in our society like never before. This is our dream. And with your help, we can make it a reality.

How will the $25K be used?

Budget Notes: This amount of money will not cover the cost of the venue.
$ 25,000 To book celebrities for the concert

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