Create Classrooms for the 21st Century at Eastview Public School.Eastview Public School (Halton District School Board)


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  • Improve literacy and numeracy through the use of integrated technology
  • Train teachers and staff to use technology.


Our school is hoping to create classrooms and learning environments that utilize integrated technology to improve the literacy and numeracy achievement for our students. Using interactive whiteboard technology across all classrooms, teachers will be able to collaborate together with the technology in order to provide an engaging learning environment for students. The new classroom technology will allow teachers to better differentiate their teaching for a variety of learning styles in their classrooms. Through the creation of a laptop lab, students will be able to use computers in the classroom in an integrated approach to enhance their literacy and numeracy skills. Together with the interactive whiteboards, classroom laptops and professional development for teachers, we aim to provide the best learning environment for students at Eastview Public School in order to improve student achievement.

How will the $100K be used?

$ 65,000 Purchase interactive whiteboards and equipment for classrooms
$ 25,000 Purchase laptops for a laptop lab
$ 10,000 Provide professional development for teachers in use of technology

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