get 250 FREE Free Hugs t-shirts to volunteer Huggers in Edmonton!Free Hugs Edmonton


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  • Recruit 250 volunteers in Edmonton and the surrounding area
  • Host a fun public contest to get our membership numbers up
  • Role model how easy it is to love complete strangers
  • Help to build more compassionate communities in Edmonton

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Free Hugs Edmonton would like to increase its membership and recruit volunteers from every community in the city of Edmonton and the surrounding area through hosting a public contest.  This contest would be for members of the public (individuals/groups) to email us why they would be the BEST HUGGERS EVER as an addition to our Free Hugs volunteer team.  We would advertise this in the local media and then select 250 of the most creative and sincere responses.  We would like to offer those people a FREE Free Hugs t-shirt.  Up to this point, our t-shirts can be ordered online for $20.  We feel that we can make a significant impact in establishing our collective of Free Huggers through such a contest, and the best thing is that we can make a more significant impact in the lives of Edmontonians through our growing Free Hugs campaign.  

The more Huggers = The more people Hugged = "Saving the world, one hug at a time!"

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How will the $5K be used?

Budget Notes: Our shirts cost $20 (printing & shipping) and we would like to recruit 250 volunteer Huggers for Free Hugs events in Edmonton and the surrounding area.
$ 5,000 To buy and distribute 250 FREE Free Hugs shirts

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