Georgian Bay General Hospital Foundation

Replace aging and broken beds at Georgian Bay General Hospital. Georgian Bay General Hospital Foundation


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  • All we are help us buy beds!

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Project Summary:

The "All We Are ASking is  Help Us Buy Beds" Project is meant to both replace aging and broken beds that the Ministry of Health cannot fund and also while doing so create awareness in our community that we need their support now more than ever.  We will soon launch a major build to expand our extremly undersized emergency department and this kick off event which help us generate an understanding of the needs and possibilities of our two-site hospital. 


20 new beds
All regional media inclusions such as (Midland Times, Midland Mirror, Kicx Radio, The Dock Radio
Posted on web site as we as tweeted, on facebook and linkedin
on-going compainon project to 'Put this Project to Bed' in terms of purchasing all the rest of the needed beds (30).  Pepsi Refresh will be the showcase and leader in terms of engaging the public in this fund-raiser. 

How will the $100K be used?

Budget Notes: n/a
$ 100,000 purchase 20 beds

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