create an educational workshop about dance and disability for childreniDANCE Edmonton Integrated Dance


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  • Teach 5000 school children about disability & diversity through dance
  • employ 5 dancers with & without disability to educate about community
  • create an accessible presentation to tour >10 schools in Canada.

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The "Every Body Dances" workshop on dance and diversity will educate school-aged children about disability and inclusion in an entertaining, interactive manner. Dance, inclusion and human rights concepts must be taught within the Alberta Learning Curriculum, and across Canada as a part of learning standards. Presented by adult dancers with and without disabilities, this project will provide children with practical experience dancing with people of ALL abilities, discussing disability awareness, and engaging human rights in Canada.

Project details -

50 minute presentation created for school assemblies, classes, or special events.

  1. 25 minute dance performance demonstrating "dance for every body", focusing on adapted dance skills, living in different bodies, and including everyone.
  2. 25 minute interactive presentation discussing "What is disability?", how to treat others, and how to include people who are different in favorite activities.
  3. Teachers content package for use in class


How will the $100K be used?

Budget Notes: Personal supplies.
$ 10,000 Consultation and performance creation with Alito Alessi & DanceAbility
$ 15,000 Project adminstration and school marketing/scheduling
$ 30,000 employee payment for content creation and presentation
$ 45,000 travel and presentation of workshops across Alberta and Canada

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