Purchase of educational DVDs for teaching geography and history.Chantale


Competed in
Cycle 1


  • Purchase educational DVDs, films, documentaries.

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The goal of project "I learn differently" is to enhance the geography and history classes at my school so that students can see the world through documentaries and historical films. Textbooks are not enough; kids are accustomed to new technologies and will soon get tired of pictures in books. I would like to have a collection of DVDs at my school so that teachers can find the documentaries they need. For example, in geography, when I speak about a country or city, I would like to have access to a television report. In history, a multitude of films could enrich my classes. Sometimes a simple, well-chosen passage illustrates the topic studied in class.

How will the $10K be used?

Budget Notes: The teachers will buy their own laptops.
$ 9,000 Buy educational DVDs
$ 1,000 Buy projectors for the classes

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