create a student-run cafeteria to end the obesity crisis in CanadaThe Vedanta Academy


Competed in
Cycle 2


  • Student cafeteria project to explore the benefit of local/healthy food

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Do you remember your school as a place that incorporated hands-on activities, environmental awareness, technological know-how, and compassion while learning how to cook and eat healthy? With your vote, this is the goal for our students! With Canada's ever-looming obesity crisis costing taxpayers millions of dollars every year, we want to be pro-active and educate our students on the importance of eating healthy (like Jamie Oliver's Food Revolution). What better way to instill this in our children than our goal of creating a completely student-run cafeteria, using quality ingredients to feed our K-12 students a healthy and delicious lunch created from scratch each day. Students learn about protecting our environment (organic, locally grown, free-range ingredients are used), how healthy eating is a lifestyle with huge benefits, how to manage a kitchen/work as a team, appeasing clientele, our local economy and learning academic Math/English/Science/Life Skills as well! 

How will the $10K be used?

Budget Notes: The budget will NOT cover the cost of food, labour involved (teaching salary, experts from the community), utilities, and other overhead.
$ 5,000 Commercial kitchen appliances
$ 1,000 Kitchen equipment (pots, pans, cooking utensils, etc.)
$ 500 Plates, bowls, cups, utensils
$ 3,000 Kitchen renovations
$ 500 Miscellaneous (aprons, gloves, plastic wrap, spices, Food Safe)

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