Spay,neuter,provide basic meds,pay down vet bill for abandoned cats LInda Merle


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  • spay and neuter cats of age in the program
  • provide basic medical care including vaccines
  • pay down existing vet bill for cats already in the program

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My goal is to have all cats that are of age in the Kittenaide Program spayed or neutered before the Spring of 2011.

The plan is to spay or neuter at least 3 cats per week.

Decrease intake until all cats in program are spayed or neutered .

Pay down existing vet bill to allow more cats to be rescued.

Increase awareness and educate the public on the benefits of spaying and neutering.


Community Benefit

Knowing that you can call on someone to help you save a stray cat or kitten provides satisfaction that you have made a difference The fact that these cats will be spayed or neutered will slow down the overpopulation of cats in the area

How will the $10K be used?

Budget Notes: catfood,litter,cat supplies,cleaning supplies,gas,wages,cell phone,advertising,heat,hydro & water expenses
$ 1,500 Basic Medical Care
$ 3,000 Spaying Females
$ 1,500 Neutering Males
$ 4,000 Paying Down Current Vet Bill

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