LovingKindness Home for Teen Moms in the Fraser ValleyLori Dixon


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  • To Promote awareness and raise funds for a home
  • To establish a healthy, supportive home for teen moms


Currently there is no local home for unwed teen mothers in the Fraser Valley.  The best thing we could do is to restore families, and when teens are abandoned by their parents due to an unplanned pregnancy, being sent an hour away to live does not make restoration easily accomplished.
Single teen moms also struggle in the future with low income . . . they need to be trained and mentored into a productive, successful career.
My proposal is to raise awareness and funds to start the process of establishing a home where all their needs would be met.

Community Benefit

We've heard it takes a village to raise a child . . . our community would benefit by being unified in the cause of creating a healthy home where these young families have a chance for a brighter future.

How will the $5K be used?

$ 1,000 promotional brochures and start up costs
$ 500 Hope Art Fundraising bracelets
$ 3,500 secure a lease for a house

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