Humanely control Feral Cat population in Northumberland County OntarioNorthumberland Humane Society


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  • Trap, sterilize, vaccinate 750 feral cats within 12 months
  • Assist in providing shelter & food to feral cat colonies

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Feral cat over population is rampant in Northumberland County. Northumberland Humane Society volunteers, in conjunction with local veterinaraians have succesfully trapped, sterilized & vaccinated over 600 feral cats since 2008.
Our Feral Cat Program, funded totally by donations; reduces residents concerns of cat fighting, urine spraying, yowling, and spread of disease as well as controlling the feral cat population.
Feral cats located in dangerous areas have been relocated to established feral colonies where N.H.S. assists guardians to provide food & shelter.
Young feral kittens are kept in foster care & bottle fed kitten formula until old enough to be sterilized & are then placed for adoption at N.H.S. shelter. This eliminates euthanasia, or the uncertain life as a feral for these helpless kittens.
In order to continue our Feral Cat Program to serve the large county of Northumberland we are seeking your support to trap, sterilize & vaccinate 750 feral cats. Thank you!

Community Benefit

Northumberland Humane Society's Feral Cat Program will humanely & effectively control the feral cat population. In addition, it will reduce resident concerns of cat fighting, urine spraying, yowling, and spread of disease. The Feral Cat Program will eliminate the need to euthanize healthy feral cats, and strive to rehome ferals in dangerous locations to established feral cat colonies. The Feral Cat Program will assist colony guardians in providing food & shelter, which will address citizen concerns of feral cats raiding garbage bins and living in vacant or unused buildings.

How will the $100K be used?

$ 2,000 purchase 15 traps, 2 catch poles, 3 nets
$ 5,000 cat food
$ 5,000 materials for cat shelters
$ 5,000 storage shed for traps, shelters, food, supplies
$ 83,000 Veterinary costs to sterilize & vaccinate 750 cats

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