To give our homeless pets "A New Leash on Life"Pet Save


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  • Purchase the building we are currently leasing
  • Upgrade kennels/ventilation to provide safer environment for our dogs
  • Renovate to provide isolation areas for sick/injured animals

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Our Project plan is to purchase and renovate the building we currently occupy to better accomodate the volume of homeless animals we are challenged with daily. Our new centre will ensure a healthier environment allowing us to adopt animals faster and better meet the overwhelming demands of the community. It will be a centre for education that will see school/other groups visit so we can educate and reshape the next generation of pet owners.


  A charity owned building that will build equity for the future
 14 fully operational dog kennels increasing dog rescues/adoptions by 40%
 Proper ventilated rooms reducing contagious viruses and related costs by 30%
 2 Isolations areas for injured and sick felines
Over $200,000 in donations from residents and businesses through our "?Buy a Brick Campaign" Donor wall in facility.
Recognition of Donation in all 3 local media's ( TV, Radioi, Newpaper )

Community Benefit

There is a severe cat overpopulation problem in our community. By taking in strays off the streets and working with low income pet owners through our spay/neuter program we developed with our City ( $56,000 annually ), we can gradually reduce pet overpopulation over the next 10 years.We believe with our dual efforts we can reduce animals that end up euthanized in local pounds. There is an overwhelming need for this service in our community. We will be improving the life of our animals making them more adoptable.Pet Save also works with local agencies ( ie: womens abuse shelters, fire victims, and others) to provide emergency/temporary shelter for their pets until situations can be stabilized. Pet Save is also contributes to our community economically. Pet Save spends over $240,000 annually on vetrinary bills alone and with over 600 plus adoptions each year, the economic spin off for Groomers, Retailers and boarding kennels is more than double our direct exenditures.

How will the $100K be used?

Budget Notes: administration costs, we are 100% volunteer
$ 50,000 down payment for building
$ 20,000 upgrade dog kennel area
$ 30,000 Renovate cat side of shelter

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