Host The Global Issues Symposium for Youth.Canadian Red Cross


Competed in
Cycle 1


  • Empower 90 youth to take action on global and local issues
  • Build a community of aware and inspired global citizens and leaders



The Global Issues Symposium for Youth is a four day overnight event lead by trained volunteer youth leaders for 90 high school aged participants. It will use dynamic simulations, case studies and discussions to generate understanding of, concern for and critical thinking on humanitarian issues, values and law.
To create a ripple effect of enhanced community knowledge, citizen advocacy and action
To practically inform youth of global humanitarian issues, International Humanitarian Law, human rights and refugee law, including the moral and humantarian principles underpining these laws
Allow youth to develop and practice leadership, event planning , group facilitation and public speaking skills

How will the $10K be used?

Budget Notes: Participants receive a handbook and resource materials which they use at the event and take back to their communities and schools afterwards. This event will be held at a non-profit camping facility, which creates an environment conducive to team building, away from the distractions of the big city.
$ 2,000 participant materials
$ 8,000 camp rental

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