She's The World- Empowers, Celebrates and Strengthens girls. Stephanie Scott- Oak Park Neighbourhood Centre


Competed in
Cycle 1


  • Run a weekly girls program for atleast 30 girls for a year.
  • Reduce anxiety in the girls
  • Develop friendships
  • Increase self esteem and confidence

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Elementary years have become a new breeding ground for fostering poor self-worth in girls.  This program is dedicated to young girls aged 7-10, and celebrates their strengths, helps them develop skills to successfully handle the issues they face and supports them to feel empowered. Through interactive activities, group discussion, worksheets and other creative tools, girls will be able to share knowledge and experiences, support each other and learn how to cope with the stresses and pressures in a girls world. Topics that will be explored are: self-esteem, body image, bullying, healthy relationships, self-control, and conflict resolution. This program will run weekly throughout the 10/11 school year.

How will the $5K be used?

$ 2,950 Workshop leader
$ 1,800 Program Costs
$ 250 Supplies

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