'Turn the light' to educate & raise funds on important cultural issuesTurn the Light


Competed in
Cycle 1


  • Inspiring students to educate their peers on important cultural issues
  • To create a self-sustaining model that raises $35k in funds
  • Leverage the arts to raise awareness in a fun and interactive way

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My idea is to empower Canadian youth to “Turn the Light” on important cultural issues such as the impacts of racism and ignorance and the hardships new immigrants face. By using music, art, dance and poetry, students from over 50 schools in Canada will educate their peers on these issues in an engaging and fun manner. Here’s how the Turn the Light model will work:

The main event is a student led cross-cultural dance that would raises funds to assist new/underprivileged immigrant families. To promote the event, students would leverage the arts, while raising awareness on important cultural issues. For example, ‘flash mobs’ to Nelly Furtado’s Powerless, which describes the feeling of being discriminated against can be used. Funds would go to 2 sources, with the goal of creating a self-sustaining model:

  • 70% - To new/underprivileged immigrant families.
  • 30% - Back to the schools & Turn the Light for the next year’s event


How will the $5K be used?

Budget Notes: The budget will be used to establish and launch Turn the Light and will not be used in any way to pay for salaries or any personal expenses.
$ 1,000 Promotional and educational materials for student leaders
$ 2,500 Inspiration and training works shops for youth (includes travel)
$ 1,500 Website and online tools to create a community

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