Uniterre ConferencesFranck POTWORA


Competed in
Cycle 1


  • Ecological conferences oriented to the new generation
  • Ethics and responsible consumption in Quebec schools
  • Exchange and suggest daily actions to limit our
  • ecological foot print.

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I think it is essential to educate ourselves in order to understand that all of our actions have an impact. The more we share this information, the more we choose to live in a manner that is respectful of our environment...and respectful of ourselves.

Uniterre proposes to educate new generations through focused dialogue and interactive discussion. The goal is to help understand the environmental issues and challenges of a solidary economy.

Uniterre Conferences also aims to guide our way of life towards adopting positive actions for the planet and for humankind.

Uniterre Conferences are also adapted to various age groups so that every student feels concerned and can act simply everyday.

How will the $10K be used?

$ 3,000 Specialized press release
$ 3,000 Communication by main roads
$ 4,000 Free conferences in schools

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