Prelude to the Cross-Canada tour of Schools (QC Chapter)Ultramarathon Michel Gouin


Competed in
Cycle 1


  • Create an active youth

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Beginning in the fall of 2011, ultramarathon runner Michel Gouin will visit schools throughout Quebec. The goal is not only to create an active youth, but also to encourage youths to take control of their lives. The project will last 1 year. Even if we spread healthy habits to several locations and the youths become self-sufficient, we would like to acheive such a feat in regions where it might be more of a challenge. We have no pretension of acting as lone "riders." It will be important for us to work with the local ressources as well. We also want to distribute gifts along the way.

On June 20, 2013, the ultramarathon runner Michel Gouin will do a cross-Canada hike, back and forth. You will be able to visit his blog at

How will the $25K be used?

Budget Notes: We will need to make a financing package.
$ 25,000 Purchase of a motorized vehicle

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