open a novel achievement centre for kids with autism, ADHD, FASD, etc.Dr. Shawn Bachorick


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  • Open an achievement centre for kids with ADHD, autism, FASD, etc.
  • Provide drug-free neurological-based rehab and cognitive training
  • Help kids achieve measurable improvements in all areas of function
  • Achieve improvement within three months at a reasonable cost
  • Restore balance to kids' lives, families and society


The prevalence of neurodevelopmental disorders has increased drastically in the last 20 years. As a result, there is an enormous market for treatment methods in ADHD, autism, FASD, and others. My centre will provide multidimensional evaluation and rehabilitation of children with developmental disorders as a means to helping them achieve their full potential. It will employ a novel drug-free method of sensory stimulation to retrain brain pathways instead of merely stimulating them with medication. The evaluation process used examines the hereditary, autoimmune, dietary, neurologic and academic traits associated with these disorders to create a specialized treatment regimen. Pricing is extremely competitive for only three months of therapy with significant improvement in over 60% of children within this time. My centre would be the only of its kind in Canada to meet this enormous and rapidly growing need. Similar programs in the U.S. are expanding quickly and have had tremendous success.

How will the $100K be used?

Budget Notes: The grant budget will not cover marketing, director's salary, therapists' salary or continuing education.
$ 19,000 Specialized equipment
$ 2,000 Office equipment
$ 7,000 Office furniture
$ 2,000 Academic materials
$ 40,000 Build-out
$ 24,000 Rent
$ 6,000 First three months of receptionist's salary

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