have a family conference for people caring for someone with dementia.Alzheimer Society of Manitoba


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  • provide a learning opportunity for family caregivers and friends
  • recognize valuable contribution that family caregivers and friends mak


400 participants will:

  • Learn about Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias, medical treatments and psychosocial care of the person with dementia.
  • Learn the importance of appointing a substitute decision maker for the legal, financial and health care matters of a person with dementia and how to undertake the ensuing responsibilities.
  • Learn about community resources that can assist them in caring for the person with dementia.
  • Learn skills in communication, assisting with reactive behaviour and personal care of a person with dementia.
  • Learn self care techniques such as respite, ways to reduce stress and the importance of a support network.


Community Benefit

Family members who choose to attend the Alzheimer Society’s annual conference that is directed to health care personnel are asking for an event that meets their specific needs and interests. We offer support groups and more intimate workshops for family caregivers. Not all family members wish to attend smaller sessions. Some wish to be in learning situations which are more anonymous, and to hear keynote speakers that cannot be available in smaller settings.

How will the $5K be used?

$ 3,500 to bring keynote speaker to conference
$ 1,500 to fund one refreshment break during day

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