To run the Eco-Defenders recycling challenge in the Town Of Lincoln. Beamsville Strawberry Festival Association


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  • To encourage recycling at public events


To get people interested in recycling, 3 years ago we started the Eco-Defenders at the Beamsville Strawberry Festival.  People are deputised and pick up recycable items.  They return these to Headquarters where the number they collect is recorded.  The deputies can pick from a list of rewards based on how much they collected.  Currently, prizes like tickets and gift certificates are donated by businesses and we purchase smaller prizes like toys and candy so children can get something for collecting even one item.

We want to expand this so the Eco-Defenders will attend other events and to get larger prizes like bicycles and electronics.  We also hope to include garbage collection.  Not only does this make clean-up after an event easier but it encourages people to get actively involved in recycling and cleaning up the planet.

How will the $10K be used?

$ 3,000 Staffing
$ 1,000 T-Shirts for Volunteers
$ 500 Deputy badges
$ 1,500 Publicity
$ 1,000 Tools & Equipment
$ 500 Booth Space at Festivals
$ 2,500 Prizes

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