Opening a safe house for the victims of Hepatitis C.Fondation Laurent Pontbriand Hépatite C


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  • Purchase of a house for people undergoing treatment.

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The Laurent Pontbriand house will include 6 bedrooms, a kitchen, a living room, a backyard and a conference room. This house will serve as a centre for people undergoing treatment to fight the virus of Hepatitis C, a very tenacious virus, deadly and unfortunately in full expansion. In 50% of the cases, the Hepatitis C treatment is in 50% of the cases very difficult. Extreme fatigue, impatience, violence, depression and hair loss are some of the frequent symptoms. The house will provide medical services and on site services of nurses and social workers services for residents and their family. The Hépatites Ressource organization which provides assistance to the sick and conducts prevention initiatives will share the premises.

Community Benefit

Our project will create a minimum of 4 new jobs in the Trois-Rivières region. Furthermore, this house will attract many people who will want to undergo treatment in Trois-Rivières and the local economy will benefit.

How will the $100K be used?

Budget Notes: Our budget does not cover capital costs since they will be officially ordered.
$ 100,000 Purchase of the house

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