provide brand new clothing to individuals & families in needHarjinder Atwal - Free!Style


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  • The Free!Style experience goes well beyond providing a free outfit
  • Out there to serve, build relationships, & share a message of hope
  • Hope for belonging, hope for community, and hope for the future.
  • The goal is to involve people where they are best able to serve.

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Our Free!Style Trailer is a store on wheels that houses brand new, high quality clothing that we give away to individuals and families who could really use it.

We take the Free!Style trailer to different locations and invite people to shop in our trailer and choose an outfit for FREE.

We work alongside existing community services, such as the Food Bank, the Cyrus Center and treatment centers in the area to make a bigger impact.

In Free!Style's first year, we have not only sorted through mountains of donations, we have taken Free!Style to the Peardonville House Women's Recovery Centre and the Cyrus Center, an inner city teen drop-in centre. We have also hosted a number of incredible events at the the Abbotsford Food Bank. When people receive such a generous service, their defenses fall to the ground and they're driven to ask what motivates us. The potential with Free!Style is to serve and connect with your community, even your neighbors, to share with them God's transforming love.

Community Benefit

Participate as a Volunteer Free!Style is an exciting initiative with many opportunities to use your skills. Free!Style offers many opportunities to use your skills * Join us for an event * Help with sorting clothes * Pick up donations * Mend and press clothes * Provide refreshments * Package kids' activity bags * Help with trailer maintenance Community involvement. We're out there to serve, build relationships, and share a message of hope—hope for belonging, hope for community, and hope for the future.

How will the $10K be used?

$ 9,000 Buying Clothing & Inventory for Free!Style Trailor
$ 500 Trailor Maintenence / Beautification
$ 500 Advertising Campaign

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