Develop/Implement a "Gowns for Grads" program in schools/cities.Gowns for Grads Cambridge


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  • Expand into min. 10 local high/public schools
  • Need a permanent location for storage of clothing
  • Partner with local businesses to offer discounted services to grads
  • Be able to conduct fashion shows/promotional events/advertise
  • Become a registered non-profit charity


Presently home-based, we would like to expand into local high & public schools, so that each school and their student body could work together to foster school spirit/support/fund-raising to benefit both girls & boys needs during grad or prom.

We would like build awareness by speaking to other schools/businesses as well as  put on a yearly fashion show. 

Right now everyone involved volunteers their time and own money to advertise/provide this program.  Students are able to get volunteer hours.

We are in need of a more permanent location for an office and the clothing as inventory grows.

It would be nice to expand throughout Ontario and into other area schools.

We would like to become registered so that we could accept business/government grants/financial donations so that we can continue this work. 

We are hoping local companies/businesses would partner with us so that they could offer discounted complimentary services to our recipients. (eg: hair, corsages)

How will the $25K be used?

Budget Notes: unforeseen costs, travel costs, possible grant taxes
$ 1,200 Registering our charity
$ 2,000 Gift certificates to students to use at local businesses
$ 2,000 Drycleaning/mending costs for clothing
$ 3,000 Advertising throughout the year (events/brochures/posters)
$ 10,000 Setting up the program within 10 schools
$ 5,800 Find a permanent location for storage/office
$ 1,000 Website development/upkeep

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