make Kitchen Cones, food waste bins using drop-in newspaper liners.Ross Cowie Designs


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  • Launch the Kitchen Cone food-waste collector for curb-side composting

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The Kitchen Cone is a food-waste collector that uses newspaper liners for easy, convenient curb-side composting.  Drop in a newspaper section, and instantly open it into a wide-open cone that's great for food prep and plate scraping.  Fold over the top flaps, and the sealed newspaper bundle is a neat, convenient, ick-free way to take your compostables to the green bin.  The many sheets of the newspaper section absorb moisture, and the ventilated Kitchen Cone and the bug-proof cover allow the water vapour to return to the air.  Dry food doesn't smell like wet food does, and the bundles also keep your green bin clean and dry.

Using no-cost newspaper liners, the Kitchen Cone makes food-waste curb-side composting more mess-free and convenient.  More convenient means higher participation, so we can reduce our garbage footprint and avoid unneceassart landfill.

To make inexpensive plastic Kitchen Cones, requires $60k injection mold tooling

How will the $25K be used?

$ 25,000 Partial funding of Injection Mold Tooling

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