Using Movement Therapy to Help Children with PDD Jasmin Pommainville


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  • Making children happy through sensorimotor play
  • Bringing children with PDD and their families together through planned activities
  • Satisfying the increasing requirements of the CRDI mental health services center (26% per year)

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With this grant, I will be able to rent out an artificial field as well as the public pool, purchase sensory and sports equipment, and employ the services of health professionals (epidemiologists, nurses, occupational therapists, and kinesiologists). The main objective is that children with PDD benefit from appro

My greatest challenges are to convince facility owners to rent out their space, purchase appropriate equipment, and get my NPO to help coordinate the involvement of scientists and volunteers.

My project can launch as early as September 5, 2021 and will end June 26, 2011.


How will the $25K be used?

$ 14,400 Artificial field rental
$ 3,600 Swimming-pool rental
$ 1,701 Sensory equipment purchase
$ 4,500 Scientific personnel hire
$ 725 Filing, advertising, varia…

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