expand our spay and neuter programs and continue to help stray dogs hart - humane animal rescue tream


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  • Dedication of Emergency Medical Fund
  • Enhancement of our SNIP (Spays and Neuters in Partnership) Program
  • Development of The Big Fix, a large scale spay and neuter clinic
  • Increase public awareness, outreach and educational initiatives

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At a minimum, each rescue dog receives dewormer, vaccinations, a microchip and is spayed/neutered in hart's care.  Funds raised through this grant would be dedicated to an Emergency Medical Fund so we can quickly react to emergency cases and treatments.  

Rescue efforts alone will not ease the overpopulation problem so through our SNIP (Spays and Neuters in Partnership) Program we subsidize the alteration of 2 dogs per month.  With additiona funds through this grant, we could increase the number of participants from 24 to 60. 

By developing The Big Fix, a large-scale spay/nueter clinic, we can immediately reduce the number of unwanted litters.  The clinic would be free, hosted by our veterinary partners or in our target community, staffed by volunteers, vets and techs and sterilize 70 dogs over a weekend or 35 per day. 

With this grant, hart would also devote increased resources to education, outreach and public relations initiatives. 

Community Benefit

The benefits of these projects would be realized by 3 communitie, hart's target community, adoptive parents and the rescue dogs themselves: hart's target community - building a better understanding of responsible pet ownership and how we can humanely control the overpopulation problem - a healthier pet population - decreased risk of trauma from negative people/dog interactions with unwanted an uncared for dogs adoptive parents - physical and psychological benefits of canine companionship - becoming ambassadors of animal stewardship rescued dogs: - a life filled with love, health and happiness

How will the $25K be used?

Budget Notes: Not included in this budget are ongoing operational costs (routine medical treatment, foster supplies) which will continue to be funded by fundraising initiatives and partnerships. There are no adminstrative costs included in this budget as hart relies entirely on volunteers.
$ 4,500 Emergency Medical Fund - minimize waits for treatments
$ 7,000 SNIP Program - increase number of alterations through subsidy program
$ 11,000 The Big Fix - large scale spay/neuter clinic

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