Mentoring program for Autistic kids.Inclusive Circle for Autism Inc.


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  • Mentoring program


1. Our activities would include initially ascertaining the needs of the nearby surrounding Autistic community, in terms of the mentoring program.
2. Develop mentoring program(s) that would cater the unique needs of the mentee.
3. The goal in to impart life skills that would benefit the mentee as he/she progress in life.  This would not only be beneficial to the mentee(s), but also the greater community at large.
4. The expected results from our continuas endevours is that we would be able to impart catered life skills that would be lifelong beneficial to the mentee(s). The client satisfaction is the barometer.
5. Our performance indicator would be the percentage of satisfied clients, which we intend to be close to 100%. 

How will the $5K be used?

$ 5,000 Program administration and delivery

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