Midland Secondary School Horticulture Club

beautify and green our schoolyard that is outdated and underutilized.Midland Secondary School Horticulture Club


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  • To increase interest in environmental education
  • To solidify relationships with local businesses and community groups
  • To increase biodiversity, water conservation and reduce littering

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We have begun by focussing on the front entrance of the school.  This area has become unappealing and sadly neglected.  Work has included the excavation and preparation of the area, soil amendment and the addition of new plants and shrubs.  Curb appeal has begun to develop, thereby improving community and school pride.  Networking with architectural landscapers, horticulturalists and garden centres has occurred, and will continue throughout the project's lifetime. 

Community Benefit

By improving the school facade and schoolyard, we hope to foster a positive relationship with our neighbours, including them in our improvements and asking for their input. We hope to increase our connections to other events and activities, eventually using our gardening expertise throughout the community, at local businesses and green spaces. The connections to experts in the horticulture industry can assist the students by providing ideas for our school gardens and beyond. A long-range plan of the Horticulture Club is to extend the clubs’ services to community businesses and organizations. The exposure to community experts is also a “fact-finding” mission to discover unique garden designs to be imitated for “customers” in the community. While working on the garden enhancement project, students will make connections with community business leaders, which may help with future school and job choices and model good community relationships for them to emulate later in life.

How will the $5K be used?

Budget Notes: Labour costs, architectural landscaper consultation.
$ 3,000 Plants
$ 500 Soil
$ 1,000 Benches/Architectural features
$ 500 Soil amendment products

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