New playground equipment for the Source school students!Organisme de Participation des Parents école La Source


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  • Install new game modules

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-Remove  two old play modules
-Replace them by new ones: square of sand,kindergarten students' modules, modules for the older ones, baskets to throw the ball, cord spider net module.
-Replace the material under the modules and swings by newer material complying to recent safety regulations.
Since few years, the school has established a global health approach aiming at maximizing talent of the students subjected to development 

Community Benefit

Since our school park is not fenced, it will benefit the entire community. It will fill the need of the school students and the rest of the population. Backed by a small wooded area and dotted with several mature trees, the site would require minimal development to enable everyone to benefit from a bit of nature while allowing children to empty their overflow of energy safely. With appropriate play equipment, the school-park would offer new opportunities to students during school hours and neighborhood families at all times, outside these periods. Our students and all the neighborhood citizens need a place where they can move and play together safely. New playground equipment would allow us to offer a gathering place, a place where everybody can develop their interest in physical activity, develop good habits,and this, from the youngest to the oldest!

How will the $25K be used?

$ 25,000 Purchase of a game module

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