Create a social network that redirects all ad revenue to charitiesMob Power Charitable Foundation


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  • Raise new money for Canadian charities without asking for donations
  • Provide the first platform designed for Canadian non profits
  • Cultivate new communities of support and awareness in Canada
  • Facilitating positive Candian corporate citizenship
  • Empower Canadians to create change

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What is Mob Power?
Mob Power is a new social network that allows Canadians to connect and share with friends while simultaneously helping solve some of Canada's greatest problems. 

How does it work?
Each Mob Power member actually raises money for Canadian charities and non profits every time they login. All funds generated on the site through advertising are directed to specific charities and non profits each member gets to select. Mob Power is currently completely supported through donations of labor and resources by believers in the movement. 

Why should I join?
Mob Power provides everyone a choice: Continue allowing current social network owners to pocket all funds earned from your time and attention, or join Mob Power and help change the world without having to spend a dime.

The Latest
Mob Power will open its doors to everyone on May 31, 2011, the social networking platform is built and is being tested, and the Mob Power Charitable Foundation is incorporated

Community Benefit

A new model for social networking, Mob Power is a platform with all the features users have come to expect from a social network, but with one key difference: Mob Power also properly compensates all users for their attention and participation by flowing all funds raised through advertising to charities and non profits the users themselves get to select. With the plethora of problems we are all aware of around Canada, Mob Power let’s users together make a huge difference and fund real solutions without having to donate a dime. Billions are currently going into the pockets of a small group of shareholders, billions that with Mob Power could be sent directly to wear the situation is most critical, helping save lives, cure disease and ease suffering. All governed in a democratic model, as each user has their own say where the money goes. To help make real change happen all that you have to do is join us and spread the word to others. | change is here

How will the $25K be used?

$ 10,000 To hire web developer
$ 10,000 To market Mob Power
$ 5,000 To fund best ideas from Mob Power users for solutions to big problems

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