train at-risk youth as ESL teachers & hire them to teach English.We.Will.Now


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  • To provide alternative educational opportunities for youth-at-risk
  • Increase in economic opportunities for low income youth/newcomers
  • Provide youth-facilitated services for newcomer-youth
  • Promote dialogue amongst diverse groups
  • Create opportunities for youth to be leaders in their communities


Project Summary:

The "We.Will.Now TESOL" project will recruit youth from low-income communities in Toronto, and train them to become ESL teachers.  The project itself combines in-class training, professional development, and hands on experience over 6 months.  This model ensures that youth are receiving all necessary supports and resources to ensure that they are successful during and after completion of the program.

For youth that successfully complete the 6 month program, there are follow up services that they are able to access, the services fall into the following categories:
Education, Entrepreneurship, and Internship/Employment.


  • 24 low-income youth trained as ESL teachers.
  • 240 newcomers that are able to access language training services facilitated by community members and/or peers.
  • Increase in economic and social outcomes for newcomers and youth.
  • Acknowledgement on the We.Will.Now website.
  • Youth-facilitated services for newcomers

Community Benefit

FACT#1 35% of the total population of Jane/Finch have grades 9 to 13 education with 20% of that having left high school without a high school graduation certificate. SOLUTION: Continued educational opportunities using an informal approach that supports community development. We.Will.Now is offering its TESOL course to the community, within the community. FACT#2 38% of individuals in Jane/Finch that can work are not in the labour force SOLUTION: Our project we will provide training & job placement within the community. FACT#3 15.5% of Jane/Finch make between $10,000 and $19,999 SOLUTION: Upon completion of the 6 month program, youth will receive an honorarium & be offered opportunities to continue offering esl classes to the community. FACT#4 70% of newcomers who tried to enter the labour market identified language as a barrier they faced in trying to get employment. SOLUTION: Our community-based ESL classes will allow community members to network and improve their English

How will the $25K be used?

$ 10,000 Office space and furniture
$ 3,000 Equipment (12 computers and a projector)
$ 3,000 Staff salaries and benefits
$ 1,500 Training materials
$ 2,000 Liability insurance
$ 3,000 Website maintenance, marketing and promotion
$ 2,500 Honorariums

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