create an assistive technology work station in our K-8 resource room.Students receiving additional support to meet educational goals successfully


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  • To increase students' academic levels and independance.


Assistive Technology has become an essential ingredient in the engagement and enrichment of today's students. Many of our students require additional resources and support to assist them in achieving their educational needs, goals, and independance successfully. My plan is to create a computer workstation pod in which students will be able to work simultaneously. Access to assisitive technology in a small group setting will create an ideal learning environment. I am looking at having a work station/pod of six computers in my resource room that will allow me to work with several groups of students every day. This project will provide students Kindergarten to grade eight the opportunity to increase their self-confidence, learning skills and academic levels.

How will the $5K be used?

$ 5,000 6 computers, educational software, workstation and chairs

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