Build Communities for the Future Orbus Community Futures Foundation and Orbus International Business Networks Inc


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  • Building Communities for the Future to make our community better
  • Our project aims to provide sustainable support for youth and elders
  • Our goal is to marry business with community.

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The Orbus program works as follows:

  • Businesses join a local Orbus Chapter and participate in programming within the context of a networking and referral club.
  • Orbus business members commit to provide funds to non-profit beneficiary groups in their community in the form of donations, rebates, sponsorship or marketing services at least equal to 5% of the value of services used or product purchased by members of those groups.
  • Non-profit groups sign up to receive benefits when they purchase products and services from Orbus businesses.

 The result of the program is win-win: support for local youth and elder non-profit groups from local businesses, and support of local business by the community.

By supporting youth and elders we are doing our part to build better communities for the future.

How will the $100K be used?

$ 20,000 20,000 to complete administrative infrastructure to manage programs
$ 20,000 Complete marketing and sales plan and implement web based appications
$ 55,000 Staffing costs for management, marketing and sales
$ 5,000 Equipment supplies etc.

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