renovate Oshen Sounds; produce a source of materials more polished.Oshen Sounds


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  • to vastly improve the quality of my material.
  • to attract more professional clientele and dealings.
  • to raise funds for environmental & other projects.


Project Summary:

The 'Oshen Sounds' project is an avant-garde musical production system that has crossover appeal for genres of music that have rarely been paired. The application of these musical works can reach a market of fans that have rarely encountered each other, starting in today's generation, touching the past and vice-versa.

The recent financial crisis internationally has slowed down the efforts of garnering resources to put together a tangible and more professional approach to some of the product. The applications for the musical compositions can be applied to film for environmental & homelessness awareness, paired with photography, and artistic expression. 

It will have the breadth to inspire and create a new approach to Canadian Independent Urban Music. 


>potential gallery exhibition (100+ attendees)<
>potential national coverage (Muchmusic & MTV)<
>donations potentially garnering $1,000+<


How will the $5K be used?

Budget Notes: >will not cover artists costs. >will not cover studio costs. >the left over funds MAY cover source materials like promotional cd's.
$ 3,000 for new computer system.
$ 1,500 for promotion of gala costs.

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