Raise program funding for http://www.pfrc.ca/, a resource for familiesPeterborough Family Resource Centre


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  • Greater accessibility to children and parents.




  • § To provide education, resources, support and current information services primarily for any person who provides care and nurturing for children and youth
  • § To develop strategies to serve all children, families and care providers
  • § To be a source of information on child development, childcare and child care options in the City and County of Peterborough
  • § To encourage on-going volunteer training and development that enhances the well-being of children in the larger community
  • § To encourage the people we serve to discover and share their own strengths and abilities as family members and to support their continued involvement in PFRC program delivery and development
  • § To promote on-going professional development for staff to enhance service delivery
  • § To network and co-operate with the community, including service professionals and individuals who care for children who support the well-being of the whole child, families and care providers

Community Benefit

The mission of the Peterborough Family Resource Centre (County and City of Peterborough) is the well-being of the whole child, families and care providers.

How will the $5K be used?

$ 2,000 Additional supplies
$ 3,000 Additional programs

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