Teach parents how to protect their kids onlineKidproof Child Safety


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  • Present free seminars on Protecting Your Kids Online throughout Canada
  • Raise awareness on child online safety via national media attention

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With cyber bulling, sexting, and internet safety making daily headlines, many parents are completely unprepared when it comes to talking to their kids about cyber safety. We would use the $25,000 grant from Pepsi to launch a nationwide tour in Toronto, Calgary, and Vancouver offering parents and teachers free educational seminars on keeping their children safe from online predators and general dangers found online.

The cyber safety seminars will make sense of technology and empower parents and educators with the knowledge they need to keep their kids safe while online.

The seminars will go over a number of vital cyber safety topics including, but not limited to:

  • The top three reasons kids use the internet
  • How technology changes the way kids communicate
  • The risks associated to each online activity
  • How to recognize the warning signs that a predator may be targeting your kids
  • How parents can reduce the risks and protect their kids online


How will the $25K be used?

Budget Notes: $9,000 venue rentals in five cities $3,000 refreshments and equipment rentals $2,000 administrative costs for assistant $2,000 social media specialist to help promote the events $3,000 Take-away materials and curriculum $6,000 travel expenses for speaker and assistant
$ 25,000 Venue rentals, handouts, refreshments and expenses

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